It's insane what they will (brace)let you do

Benjamin Michael

Benjamin Michael

Life was a little boring. Not super fun, but not all that bad, so yay. At least, that's what it was to Samuel Miller. He was biking to school for the millionth time because even though his stepmom promised to drive, she forgot and was working on her stupid garden or just didn't want to. It was hard to tell with her sometimes. He was listening to some music, he never really paid attention, but then he was at school. He locked up his bike quick, ran in only to immediately be patted hard on the back by Daniel.
"Sammy Sammy, double whammy. How ya doing, twerp!"
"What now?"
"Well, it was your scumbag mom who wanted to get married to my dad so, kinda on you. Now run off."
"Fine, jag*ss"
"NOTHING!" and Sam ran off. He preceded then to speed off into the hallway, dodging between everyone before literally running into his best friend in the whole world, Taylor.
"HEY! How are you doing? Is Dan still messing with you"
"Nah., I mean yeah, but I don't really care."
"Why don't you tell somebody? Like I don't know, your police chief dad?"
"Because it would only get worse if I told on him."
"Fine. I have to run off, but seriously, promise me you'll think about it."
"Promise." Taylor then smoothly walks off into the mass moving slowly through the halls leaving Sam alone on the side of the hallway. Then words barely mutter out of the side of his mouth
"Yeah, I'll stand up to literally the scariest guy I know. And then I'll admit I have a crush on you and tell my brother to back off me ‘cause I don't like. Genius plan." He slowly composes himself and wanders to his first class.


Sam walks out of his schools play rehearsal so much later that the sun fully left the sky. He sadly had stayed about four hours after school to paint backgrounds and run lines with people who have terrible memories. He unlocked his bike, hops on, and starts riding off after setting his music. He gets about halfway home when he looks up to see a weird star getting... brighter? Then he runs himself right off the road, flying over some old guy's fence and right into a cornfield. He sits up and sees a crater near him. Actually, a giant crater laying about 15 yards in front of him. In his dizzy state, he walks over and climbs in only to see this tiny little rock. It's a curious rock because while it seems black in color, it also somehow glows. He pokes it, expecting it to be hot, but it doesn't, it's cold. He picks it up and tosses it up a couple times. Laughing to himself, he thinks about how cool this little rock is when it moves. He knows he didn't move even a centimeter, but it shifts over his hand. It slowly expands and grows bigger and across his hand. He starts freaking out and tries to throw the rock and most of it leaves his hand, but a small line shoots back and wraps his wrist. He waves his hand around, trying to shake around when it starts settling. The "rock" finally stops moving, having settled and neatly made a circular bracelet, stuck in place. Sam could do nothing more than go home, so that's what he did.


After about a week of good times, the bracelet took away his vulnerabilities. After a week, he finally had realized he had all his insecurities removed. He had finally asked out his crush, stood up to his bully brother, and told his father about the behavior. He was finding himself to be more aggressive. And then the voice spoke, from the depths of his head, "Okay, you got what you want, my turn."
"You heard me dummy! It's my turn now, so shuddup and gimme the wheel." Sam looks down at his wrist and sees the bracelet expanding, growing over his arm, now covering most of his forearm.
"No no! Stop!"
"Sorry boy, I helped you a ton, and frankly, I have been stuck, living in your head, and after twenty minutes decided I want to kill all you stupid humans. So, be quiet, it's not like anyone will miss you." Sam was freaking out, the thing on his arm growing, now covering up to his elbow. In a moment of pure desperation, he looks to the kitchen table and sees his stepmom's pair of garden shears. He sets his arm down quickly and picks up the shears
"You won't actually do that. You aren't that brave." This creature laughs in Sam's head
"Yeah, but I am that stupid." Sam picks up the shears, opens them, and slams them into his arm, just above his elbow.

---------------------------------------------------------------------A hospital---------------------------------------------------------------------------

About a day and a half later, the slow beeps of the machine hooked up to an unconscious Sam. The beeps continue slowly as he slowly opens his eyes looks down to his hand and the other stump of a hand, and can only mutter "well, sh*t."
And then a familiar slimy, surprisingly sarcastic, voice slips into his head again. "Yeah, thanks dude"
"No, god no"

This story may contain adult themes. As with all library materials, caregivers are encouraged to evaluate suitability for their families.

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